GRENWICH - make your ClearLoans repayments
Grenwich Pty Ltd ACN 631 869 817 Australian Credit Licence Number 518739 (Grenwich) loves to hear your feedback when you are pleased with our services.
However, we know that we may not always get everything right.
We encourage you to contact us if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our services.
Lodging a Complaint
You can lodge a complaint:
by email to; or
by telephone, by calling us on 0485 866 236.
Resolving Complaints
Once we receive a complaint, the person who has been appointed to handle the resolution of your complaint will contact you within two business days.
The person handling your compliant will investigate the complaint, and in some cases they may ask you to provide additional information.
How long will it take?
Grenwich will try to resolve your complaint within 10 calendar days, however, sometimes we may not be able to do this.
If we can’t resolve your complaint within 10 calendar days, we will certain use all efforts to resolve your complaint within 45 days – unless your complaint relates to a Hardship Request, Postponement of Enforcement Proceedings or Default Notice under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act (NCCP), in which case, we will aim to resolve your complaint within 21 days.
If we cannot provide you with our response to your complaint within the above timelines, we will write to you to tell you the reasons for the delay and give you information about your rights.
How will Grenwich notify me of the outcome of my complaint?
Grenwich will contact you by phone or email (as indicated by you as your preferred method of correspondence).
If our response to your complaint is not in your favour, we will write to you to explain the reasons for our decision and provide you with information about your rights.
What if I am not satisfied with Grenwich’s response to my complaint?
Grenwich is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).
If you are an individual or a ‘small business; (ie you employ less than 100 employees) (Eligible Customer) you can refer your complaint to AFCA.
AFCA is an independent dispute resolution services that is provided to Eligible Customers free of charge.
You can contact AFCA on:
1800 931 678 (free call)
GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001
Once a complaint has been made to AFCA, they will contact Grenwich directly to begin investigations.